Elverum learning centre

Elverum learning centre is responsible for adult education in Elverum municipality. We offer courses in norwegian, primary education and special education for adults.

Questions? Contact us

Principal Mukanisa Buranga Solend

Assistant principal Linda Madsen Hanstad

Secretary Lone Bronken

As of today, approximately 30 nationalities are represented in our student group, where there are 160 students and 15 teachers. The number of students are constantly expanding.

The learning centre is located at kommunehuset Folkvang, in newly renovated premises.

Norwegian education

We offer all beginners and newly arrived, a three-month course called "spoken training" (A1 level). After completing the A1 level we offer a course called "primary norwegian education" (A2 level), where the main focus is writing and grammar.

When A2 level is completed and achieved, you can choose which way you want to go next, either work related or school-oriented.

Evening classes in norwegian

We also offer evening classes in norwegian for all beginners and advanced, but that requires at least 15 participants.

Refugees and immigrants at work

The municipality of Elverum and Elverum learning centre have developed a plan called "Elverumsmodellen"/FIA (refugees and immigrants at work).

This plan combines theory, and practical and physical activities, with a close follow-up on each student to give the best help in the search for a job.

Since the beginning in 2014, about 80 prosent of the participants are in jobs and/or in further education.

Primary education

Elverum learning centre started with courses in primary education for adults in 2012.

In these courses there are both young students who have been in Norway for only a short amout of time and with very limited education from their home country, and there are adult refugees who want to start education in Norway.

Courses in primary education are organised on three levels. For more information about these courses, contact Elverum learning centre.

Special education (customized education)

To find the applicants' level of skills, they are all tested in norwegian, english and mathematics. By doing so, it is possible to customize education.

The courses in special education are organised through 30 hours during daytime including homework assistance. All students have their own learning plan where they define your goals and how to achieve them. Twice a year student and teacher evaluate the learning plan.

Mother tongue teachers

Mother tongue teachers in somali, tigrinya and dari, are present during classes and are also available for homework assistance. Elverum learning centre offer career counceling, and will also assist in the work application process after completing primary school.